Whether you’re just starting out with WordPress or you’ve been developing with it for some time, you’ll probably find that the resources out there to help you learn are pretty daunting.
There are hundreds if not thousands of sites and blogs dedicated to sharing tips, tutorials, news and information about WordPress, and it’s not always easy to know which ones are the most reliable, up-to-date or relevant for you.
In this article I’ll share a huge list of resources which I’ve found useful or believe will be useful for others, from users creating their very first WordPress blog to developers digging further into WordPress to get more form it, and everyone in between.
So as you’re developing your WordPress skills and becoming more confident with the platform, you can keep coming back to this list to find helpful links which will support your development as you advance your WordPress career.
In this post I’ll cover six main areas:
- Getting started with WordPress: Creating your first site, using themes and plugins, adding and editing content and tweaking your site’s settings.
- Becoming an advanced user: Taking WordPress beyond the blog, managing your site and working with themes and frameworks.
- Coding your own: Developing themes and plugins and adding more CMS functionality to your site.
- Advanced developer topics: Action and filter hooks, the database, queries, WordPress APIs, translation and libraries and third party tools.
- Professional development for clients and users: Becoming a WordPress pro, managing client projects, selling WordPress to clients and customers, customizing the admin screens, development practices, Multisite and BuddyPress.
- Contributing to WordPress and its community: Contributing to WordPress Core, creating free themes and plugins and helping others to learn.
Over time, more and more resources will become available. I’d love to have a crystal ball and predict what they are, but unfortunately I can’t! So in the very last section I’ll give details of some of the most useful sites which I think you should bookmark, follow or subscribe to for future resources and updates.
A caveat: Everyone has their favorite WordPress resources and sites, and obviously I haven’t been able to cover everything that’s available here. I’ve included links to the Codex in many cases, except where I think other resources are more helpful. I’ve included links to posts on the WPMU DEV blog as well as a variety of other links to websites and blogs. This probably only scrapes the surface of all the WordPress content out there, so don’t beat me up if I haven’t included your favorite site!
Getting Started With WordPress
Newcomers to WordPress will find it the hardest to track down the most reliable WordPress resources. If you’re setting up your first site or you’re working on a site someone else has created for you, these resources will help you get started.
Creating Your Site
The first step for many users is to create their first site. The guidance on the WordPress Codex can be difficult for new users to get to grips with, but there’s plenty more out there.
You’ll need to find a provider to host your WordPress site: these links will help you choose a good one:
- Hosting WordPress (WordPress Codex)
- Which WordPress Host? (WPMU DEV)
- Arranging Your WordPress Hosting (WPMU DEV)
- Top Cloud Hosting Companies for WordPress (WPMU DEV)
- Organising Your WordPress Domain (WPMU DEV)
The next step is to install WordPress:
- Installing WordPress (WordPress Codex)
- Using scripts and tools to install WordPress (WPBeginner)
- Setting Up Your WordPress MySQL Database (WPMU DEV)
- Editing Your WordPress wp-config.php File (WPMU DEV)
- Installing WordPress using FTP (WPMU DEV)
If you’re moving from wordpress.com to wordpress.org you might find information about the key differences helpful:
- wordpress.org vs wordpress.com (WPMU DEV)
- Moving your blog from wordpress.com to wordpress.org (Mashable)
Themes and Plugins
Once your site is set up you’ll need a theme. These resources will help you find one that works for you:
- The WordPress Theme Repository (WordPress Codex)
- Using Themes (WordPress Codex)
- Installing new WordPress themes (WPMU DEV)
- Free WordPress Themes: How to Choose the Perfect Theme for You (WPMU DEV)
- 20 Best Free WordPress Themes for Blogs (WPMU DEV)
And if you want to add extra functionality or customization to your site, you’ll need some plugins too:
- Intro to WordPress Plugins (WPMU DEV)
- The WordPress plugin repository (WordPress Codex)
- Managing Plugins (WordPress Codex)
- Installing WordPress Plugins (WPMU DEV)
- Keep Track of When WordPress Plugins are Activated and Deactivated (WPMU DEV)
- PROBLEM SOLVED: Install And Activate Multiple Plugins At Once (WPMU DEV)
Adding and Working With Content
WordPress is designed to make it easy to add and edit content, but some guidance is useful when you first start:
- Writing Posts (WordPress Codex)
- Pages (WordPress Codex)
- What is the Difference Between Posts vs. Pages in WordPress (WPBeginner)
- Working with Images (WordPress Codex)
- Mastering The Media Uploader (WPMU DEV)
- Adding Links in WordPress (iThemes)
Once you’ve created some content, you may need help adding it to the navigation menu:
- Appearance Menus Screen (WordPress Codex)
- Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Menus (WPMU DEV)
- Creating a Custom Menu in WordPress (iThemes)
And finally, these resources will help you add widgets to your theme’s widget areas:
- WordPress Widgets (WordPress Codex)
- Widget Plugins (WordPress Codex)
To make your site work better for you, it pays to adjust your site settings, in particular permalinks:
- Settings – Configuration Settings (WordPress Codex)
- A Guide To WordPress Permalinks, And Why You Should Never Use The Default Settings (Elegant Themes)
Becoming an Advanced User
Once you’ve started creating your first WordPress site or blog, you’ll probably need to learn about more advanced WordPress management. The following resources are more advanced, but still for non-coding users.
Beyond the Blog
WordPress can power much more than blogs. For starters, there are plenty of plugins which will help you make your blog even better, or create just about any type of site you can imagine with WordPress:
- Most Popular Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Repository (WordPress Codex)
- The Top 100 WordPress Plugins For Your Site (WPMU DEV)
- 20 WordPress Plugins for a More Powerful Blog (Buffer)
- 9 jQuery WordPress Menu Plugins + Bonus Tutorial for the Adventurous (WPMU DEV)
- Top 20 Plugins To Extend WordPress CMS Capabilities (WPMU DEV)
- 20 Best E-commerce WordPress Plugins of 2014 (WPExplorer)
- 9 Plugins to Turn Your WordPress Site Into an Online Magazine (WPMU DEV)
- 8 WordPress Themes And Plugins For Creating A Review Site (WPMU DEV)
- Planning and Building an Intranet with WordPress (WPMU DEV)
If you want to use WordPress as a CMS rather than a blogging platform, you may well need to create custom content types, such as post types, taxonomies and custom fields. These resources will help you:
- Taxonomies (WordPress Codex)
- Post Types (WordPress Codex)
- Custom Fields (WordPress Codex) –
- Custom post types in WordPress (Justin Tadlock)
- Organizing your site with Custom Post Types, Taxonomies, and Fields (WPMU DEV)
- WordPress Custom Fields vs. Custom Posts Types vs. Custom Taxonomies (WPMU DEV)
- How to Create Custom Post Types in WordPress (WPBeginner)
- Getting Started with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) (Site Point)
Site Management
Whenever I run workshops with WordPress users, the topic they want to know about the most is day-to-day site management. Here are some good practices:
- Administering Your Blog (WordPress Codex)
- Best Practices (wordpress.com)
You should make sure you keep your WordPress installation and your themes and plugins updated:
- Updating WordPress (WordPress Codex)
- Keeping your Site Updated (Easy WP Guide)
It’s likely you’ll also want to learn about SEO so you can drive more traffic to your site:
- 5 WordPress SEO Tricks (and the Plugins You Need) (Mobiloud)
- The Best WordPress Permalink Structure For Scaling, Performance and SEO (WPMU DEV)
- New Google SEO Copywriting Rules Essential for WordPress Users (WPMU DEV)
- Boost Your WordPress SEO with Short URLs (WPMU DEV)
These resources will help you with keeping your site backed up:
- WordPress Backups (WordPress Codex)
- 9 Of The Best Free Backup Plug-ins For WordPress (WPMU DEV)
- 7 Best WordPress Backup Plugins Compared (Pros and Cons) (WPBeginner)
If you want to avoid your site being attacked, you’ll need to learn about security:
- Hardening WordPress (WordPress Codex)
- WordPress Security: The Ultimate Guide (WPMU DEV)
- 6 Best WordPress Security Authentication Plugins (WPMU DEV)
And finally as your site gets more traffic, it helps to ensure it performs as well as possible:
- WordPress Optimization/WordPress Performance (WordPress Codex)
- Get Site Performance Stats Inside Your WordPress Dashboard (WPMU DEV)
- The Best WordPress Caching Plugins and Why Testing Them is So Important (WPMU DEV)
- 10 Plugins to Make WordPress Blazing Fast (WPMU DEV)
Working with Themes and Frameworks
You’ll already be using a theme to power your first site, but as you start developing your skills or building more sites, you might decide you need to use a theme framework:
Alternatively, you might decide to dip your toe into theme customization, either using the Theme Customizer or by writing some code:
- Introduction To The WordPress Theme Customizer (WPExplorer)
- Customizing Your WordPress Theme Using Firebug (WPMU DEV)
Coding Your Own
If you decide you want to build your own themes or plugins, either for client sites or your own, there is a huge range of resources out there to help you learn how to do it. Here’s a couple of useful general resources:
- WordPress Coding Standards (Make WordPress)
- WordPress Cheat Sheets (tuts+)
These guides and tutorials will help you create your very first WordPress theme:
- Theme Development (WordPress Codex)
- A Guide To The Options For WordPress Theme Development (Smashing Magazine)
- Creating a WordPress Theme From Static HTML (tuts+)
- 7 Free, Modern Starter Frameworks for WordPress Designers (WPMU DEV)
- Creating Custom Page Templates in WordPress (WPMU DEV)
Your theme will need to include template tags in order to work properly. These guides will help you get started:
- Template Tags (WordPress Codex)
- What is a Template Tag? (WPBeginner)
Your theme files will also need to include the loop:
- The Loop (WordPress Codex)
- A Beginner’s Guide to the WordPress Loop (tuts+)
A useful theme will include widget areas so that you can add widgets to your site. These links will help you learn how to create them:
- Widgetizing Themes (WordPress Codex)
- How to add Dynamic Widget Ready Sidebars in WordPress (WPBeginner)
Your theme will also need to include navigation menus:
- Navigation Menus (WordPress Codex)
- How to add Navigation Menus to your WordPress Theme (WPMU DEV)
If you want to add custom template files to your theme, you’ll need to have an understanding of how the theme template hierarchy works:
- Template Hierarchy (WordPress Codex)
- Template Hierarchy Cheat Sheet (DigWP)
- The WordPress Template Hierarchy – A Mini Resource (WPHierarchy)
As your theme development skills advance, you’ll start to add functions to your themes in the functions file. These guides will help you decide when you should do this and learn how:
- Functions File Explained (WordPress Codex)
- Functions.php vs Plugin, Who Wins? (Tom McFarlin)
- Why You Shouldn’t Use functions.php (And What You Should Do Instead) (WPMU DEV)
If you’re planning on letting other people use your theme and want to give them some customization options, adding theme customizer support or creating options screens will do this:
- The WordPress Theme Customizer – A Developer’s Guide (Smashing Magazine)
- A Guide to the WordPress Theme Customizer (tuts+)
- Creating Options Pages (WordPress Codex)
- Create a Settings Page For Your WordPress Theme (tuts+)
For your themes to work well on mobile devices, you’ll need to learn how to make them responsive:
- Create A Responsive, Mobile-First WordPress Theme (Smashing Magazine)
- Building a Mobile First Responsive WordPress Theme (tuts+)
- How To Make Content Adapt To A Responsive WordPress Theme (WPMU DEV)
- Top 5 Tips When Choosing A Responsive WordPress Theme (WPMU DEV)
If you’re working with a framework or want to adapt an existing theme to meet your needs, creating a child theme is the best way to go. These guides will help you start:
- Child Themes (WordPress Codex)
- How to Create a WordPress Child Theme (WPMU DEV)
- How to Modify the Parent Theme Behavior Within the Child Theme (tuts+)
Developing Plugins
Most WordPress developers start by building themes, then move on to plugins. These guides will help you create your first plugin:
- Writing a Plugin (WordPress Codex)
- How to Create Your Very First WordPress Plugin (WPMU DEV)
- How to Write a WordPress Plugin: 12 Essential Guides and Resources (WPMU DEV)
Two common types of plugin are shortcodes and widgets. Advance your plugin development skills by learning how to create these:
- Shortcode API (WordPress Codex)
- How to Add Shortcodes to Your WordPress Plugin (WPMU DEV)
- Widgets API (WordPress Codex)
- How to Create a WordPress Widget: 4 Killer Tutorials You Should Read (WPMU DEV)
Depending on the specifics of your plugins, you may need to create settings screens for them:
- Settings API (WordPress Codex)
- WordPress Settings API Tutorial (OttoPress)
- The Complete Guide To The WordPress Settings API (tuts+)
From Blog to CMS
In the section on advanced user skills above I included some resources to help you create custom content without writing code. It’s much better practice to code these instead. These links will help you learn how to create custom post types:
- Post Types (WordPress Codex)
- How to Create WordPress Custom Post Types (WPMU DEV)
- The Complete Guide To Custom Post Types (Smashing Magazine)
And custom taxonomies:
- Taxonomies (WordPress Codex)
- How To Create Custom Taxonomies In WordPress (Smashing Magazine)
And finally, creating custom fields to store post metadata:
- Custom Fields (WordPress Codex)
- Extend WordPress With Custom Fields (Smashing Magazine)
- Adding Custom Fields To WordPress Programmatically (tuts+)
More Advanced Developer Topics
If you’re aiming to develop a career as a WordPress developer, you’ll need a more in-depth understanding of the WordPress ecosystem. Below I’ve identified resources covering a range of developer topics.
Functions and Hooks
You can’t really do anything interesting with WordPress without understanding functions and action & filter hooks:
- Function Reference (WordPress Codex)
- Plugin API/Hooks (WordPress Codex)
- The Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Actions and Filters (tuts+)
- Plugin API/Action Reference (WordPress Codex)
- Customizing WordPress Themes with Action Hooks (Site Point)
- Plugin API/Filter Reference (WordPress Codex)
- A Quick Introduction to Using Filters (Pippins Plugins)
The WordPress Database
The database is where all of your content is stored: it pays to have a good understanding of how the database is structured if you’re planning on writing content to it in your plugins or creating custom queries:
- Beginner’s Guide to WordPress Database Management with phpMyAdmin (WPBeginner)
- Optimizing Your WordPress Database – A Complete Guide (WPMU DEV)
- Understanding and Working with Data in WordPress (tuts+)
Before you start writing custom queries, make sure you’re aware of the options for doing this and which you should be using:
- You Don’t Know Query (wordpress.tv)
- Querying Posts Without query_posts (wordpress.com)
The WP_Query class is often the best option for creating custom queries. These links will help you use it:
- Class Reference/WP Query (WordPress Codex)
- Using WP_Query In WordPress (Smashing Magazine)
And some alternatives to WP_Query:
- Custom Queries (Modifying queries using hooks) (WordPress Codex)
- Cut custom query_posts time in half with pre_get_posts (WPMU DEV)
- How to Add Custom Post Types to Your Home Page and Feeds (WPMU DEV)
- Template Tags/get posts (WordPress Codex)
WordPress APIs
WordPress comes with no fewer than 11 APIs. I’ve included links to some of them in relevant sections here, but this is where you’ll find a guide to all of them:
- WordPress APIs (WordPress Codex)
If you’re planning on releasing your code to the public, or you have clients or users working in languages other than your own, it’s important to prepare your code for translation:
- I18n for WordPress Developers (WordPress Codex)
- How to Translate a WordPress Plugin (WPMU DEV)
- How to Localize a WordPress Theme and Make it Translation Ready (WPMU DEV)
- Top 6 Translation Plugins for Your WordPress Site (WPMU DEV)
Libraries and Third Party Tools
A growing number of WordPress developers use libraries and third party tools to support their WordPress development. Here are some guides to popular ones to get you started:
- Using jQuery with WordPress (Matthew Ruddy)
- How to Install WordPress Plugins and Themes from GitHub (WPBeginner)
- A Quick Intro to GitHub for WordPressers (Mettadore)
- How to Build a Responsive WordPress Theme with Bootstrap (treehouse)
The topics I’ve covered here for advanced developers are just a small subset of what’s available, and what you need will depend on the specific requirements of your projects. To advance your development skills further, see the list of useful sites at the end of this post.
Professional Development for Clients and Users
So you want to make a living from WordPress? These resources will help you make the step to becoming a WordPress professional:
- Building Your Own Freelance Business Around WordPress (WPMU DEV)
- Starting a Career with WordPress? These Sites Will Help You Find Your First Job (Torque)
- Making a Living with WordPress (WPCandy)
- How To Become A Top WordPress Developer (Smashing Magazine)
The first challenge will be to find clients for your services, but there are others who’ve been in the same position, and they’ve shared their tips:
- How To Find Your First Clients As A WordPress Freelancer (MakeUseOf)
- Finding Low-Hanging Fruit When Prospecting For WordPress Clients (WPMU DEV)
- How to Sell WordPress as a CMS Solution to a Reluctant Client (WPLift)
Or you might not want to sell to clients, but instead sell themes, plugins or an online product or service:
- Building WordPress Themes You Can Sell (Smashing Magazine)
- Selling Premium WordPress Plugins: An Expert’s Guide (ManageWP)
- How to Turn Your WordPress Site into an Automated Sales Machine (WPMU DEV)
Once you’ve found your first project, you’ll need to ensure you have the project management skills to make it a success. These resources will help you manage WordPress projects and use WordPress to help you with project management:
- WordPress Project Management Is Your Friend (iThemes)
- How to Get Your Web Development Projects Off to a Good Start (Six Revisions)
- Freelance Web Development: 9 Tips for Better Project Management (Mashable)
- A Comprehensive Website Planning Guide (Smashing Magazine)
Customizing the WordPress Admin
If you can customize the WordPress admin, it will make your and your clients’ sites more professional and user-friendly. First, the dashboard:
- Adding Custom Widgets to the WordPress Admin Dashboard (WPMU DEV)
- Make WordPress Users Happy With Simple Documentation in the Dashboard (WPMU DEV)
- How to Limit Access to Your WordPress Dashboard (WPMU DEV)
You can also white label the admin screens and brand them to meet your clients’ needs or enhance your own brand identity:
- How to Create a Stunning Custom WordPress Login Page (WPMU DEV)
- White Labeling Your WordPress Site: The Complete Guide (WPMU DEV)
- How To: Customize and White label the WordPress Admin Dashboard (WPLift)
You can also customize the admin menus:
- How to Reorder or Add WordPress Admin Menu Items (WPMU DEV)
- Customizing the WordPress Admin: Custom Admin Menus (tuts+)
Development Practices
If you adopt best practices in your WordPress development, it will improve the quality of your work and make you more efficient, which will help you make more money. These guides will help you adopt the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle in WordPress development:
- Bulk Plugin Installation (WPMU DEV)
- Save Time Setting Up WordPress by Creating Your Own Installation Profiles (WPMU DEV)
- 3 Key Software Principles You Must Understand (tuts+)
These developer tools will help you work more effectively:
- WordPress Developer Plugin: An Essential Tool For Theme and Plugin Development (WPMU DEV)
- Powerful Must-Have Tools for Every WordPress Developer (WPMU DEV)
And finally, some tips to help you manage your client sites after launch:
- How To Keep Your WordPress Clients Out Of Trouble (WPMU DEV)
- Maintain All Your WordPress Websites From A Central Location (WPMU DEV) –
WordPress Multisite
Developing with Multisite gives you an opportunity to create networks of sites either to host the sites you develop or to sell sites to clients. These links will help you get started:
- Create A Network (WordPress Codex)
- WordPress Multisite Guide for Beginners: Unlock the Power of Networks (WPMU DEV)
- Intro to WordPress and WordPress Multisite (WPMU DEV)
Running a network of sites is more complex than a single site. At WPUMU DEV we’ve provided plenty of guidance to help you:
- How to Build a WordPress Multisite Network With Multiple Domains (WPMU DEV)
- Automatically Add Users to Sites Across a WordPress Multisite Network (WPMU DEV)
- Ban, Spam and Moderate Commenters Sitewide on WordPress Multisite (WPMU DEV)
If you’re going to use Multisite for profit, these guides will help you:
- Monetize your WordPress Multisite Network with the WPMU DEV Pro Sites Plugin (WPMU DEV) –
- How to Build a Web Hosting or Design Business with WordPress Multisite (WPMU DEV) –
And finally, it’s useful to know which plugins are most useful with Multisite:
- 25 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Multisite Networks (WPMU DEV)
- 7 Plugins For Easier WordPress Multisite User Management (WPMU DEV)
- Multisite Plugin Manager: An Essential Free Tool for Every WordPress Network (WPMU DEV)
If your clients need you to create community sites, or you’re setting up one of your own, the best tool for the job is BuddyPress. These guides will help you get started and run your BuddyPress community:
- The Ultimate Beginners Guide To BuddyPress (WPMU DEV)
- Administrator Guide (BuddyPress Codex)
- BuddyPress Manual (WPMU DEV)
Developing themes or plugins for BuddyPress involves some additional considerations on top of those for a standard WordPress site. These resources will help:
- BuddyPress Theme Development (BuddyPress Codex)
- BuddyPress Plugin Development (BuddyPress Codex)
- Developer Resources (BuddyPress Codex)
And these BuddyPress themes and plugins will help you create and maintain your BuddyPress community:
- Top 10 WordPress BuddyPress Themes For 2014 (WP Themes Point)
- Recommended Plugins (BuddyPress Codex)
- 10 BuddyPress Plugins You Must Have (WPExplorer)
- 12 New All-Purpose BuddyPress Plugins For Customizing Your Social Network (WPMU DEV)
Contributing to WordPress and its Community
WordPress is an open source project which relies on contributions from its community of users and developers to develop it and help others to use it. In this section I’ll provide some resources which can help you contribute to WordPress in a way that is in line with your skills and knowledge.
You don’t necessarily need to contribute code to WordPress itself to be able to make a contribution. These guides identify some of the options:
- Contributing to WordPress (WordPress Codex)
- How To Contribute To WordPress (Smashing Magazine)
- Making WordPress: How to Get Involved (WordPress Foundation)
Contributing to Core
If you have the skills to contribute to the core code or you want to help with testing, here’s how to go about it:
- Learning How to Contribute to WordPress: Getting Started (tuts+)
- Making it easy to be a WordPress Tester (Westi)
Creating Free Themes and Plugins
As well as contributing to WordPress itself, you could also contribute by developing free themes and plugins, or you could help test themes and plugins that have been submitted. These guides will help you understand what’s involved:
- Add Your Theme To The Directory (WordPress Codex)
- Theme Review (WordPress Codex)
- How To Join the WordPress Theme Review Team (Make WordPress)
- Plugin Developer Center (WordPress Codex)
- How To Publish To The WordPress Plugin Repository (tuts+)
Helping Others to Learn
If you’re not able to contribute code, there are other ways to get involved, such as writing documentation, helping in the support forums or running a local meetup group or even a WordCamp:
- 10 Ways You Can Contribute to WordPress Without Touching Code (WPMU DEV)
- Support Handbook (Make WordPress)
- Contributing to the WordPress Codex (Make WordPress)
- Tips on Running a WordPress Local Meetup (WPMU DEV)
- WordCamp Planning: A Guide for Organizers (WordCamp Central)
And Finally..
As I mentioned at the very beginning of this post, the links I’ve provided are a snapshot of what’s available out there right now. There’s a very good chance that tomorrow someone will publish a killer tutorial or guide which should be in here but can’t be.
So I’d strongly advise that you bookmark some key sites which are updated frequently and will help you develop your WordPress skills and knowledge into the future:
For all WordPress Users and Developers:
- The WordPress Codex (and the new Code Reference)
For beginners and users:
For developers:
For news about WordPress:
Good luck with your development in WordPress and I hope you find these resources useful!